Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Hey, all! Today we are going to review how using videos in the classroom benefits English language learners!

Most of us already use videos to promote learning successfully in the classroom! This article, Video in the classroom, explains why it is important to utilize them for language learning! 

The article mentions what we should be doing when using a video. The teacher needs to introduce the lesson, monitor the students' thinking during the video, and then check for understanding after the video is viewed. After that, we can have the students showcase their language learning!

Why use a video? Because a video balances out the left and right brain processes!

"It [cognition] is the process of obtaining knowledge through thinking, experience, and the senses. The human brain is formed in left and right hemisphere. The left brain is responsible for both spoken and written language. The figurative use of language and the emotional expression of language are processed on the right side of the brain (Sunanda, 2018). 

Sunanda mentions that video helps develop language because the student hears the language repetitively, and the video will ignite emotions in a way a written text cannot (2018). 

I love this thought from the article: If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth more than a thousand words!

Here's a video to teach our students a lot of sight words, along with sentence structure, in a story format. The students could replay this video over and over! Teachers could use the video segments and recreate the sentences with their students! There are many applicable uses with a video such as this one!

I believe the research also supports using a video to teach content, as well. After the student hears the lesson, the video will reinforce the language and concepts already expressed in the lesson. 

Start searching Teachertubeyoutube, fluentu, or your favorite video hub, and start balancing your students' brain to enhance their language learning!

Sunanda, G., Dr. (2018, February 20). Video As English Language Learning Tool. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from


  1. Hi Sherri!
    As someone who uses short video clips quite often in my lessons, your blog this week resonated with me. The videos I use vary from reinforcing a Spanish grammar topic from a previous lesson, to a cheesy, catchy song that helps students remember words or concepts. My students ask for the links to these videos to use when they are studying. I have been posting them to my class Symbaloo. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I found this article very interesting, particularly how the right brain and left brain are engaged when watching. I think videos are a great resource of ELs. Kids seem to retain the information better. Plus, what they are seeing reinforces what they are hearing. It makes sure the students are thinking accurately about vocabulary. Of course, they are usually seen as entertaining by the students. There is a lot of junk out there, but it is hard to beat a well done video. Thanks!
